I can’t believe we’re engaged! I’m definitely still on Cloud 9.
It is WILD to me to think, that this, is the last picture taken of us as “Boyfriend” & “Girlfriend” 😂
After taking this picture, we walked down the hall – and my life was changed forever, when Mario proposed!
Time to Rewind
The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston has always had a special place in our hearts. About 1 week after our first date – Mario surprised me with a day-date to the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA).
We walked around for hours – taking it all in and talking. Finding little benches along the way to sit and enjoy the exhibits, while just getting to know each other. The only exhibit that actually left us speechless, was this unique light installation in a long hallway. We affectionately call it the “Light Tunnel”. This art experience was created to honor the life and work of artist James Turrell. This unique installation actually named “The Light Inside”, literally created such a connection between us.
At one point – while walking ahead just in awe of the space – Mario took the above picture of me.
I didn’t know it at the time but it quickly became one of his favorites.
Shortly after our date at the museum – Mario surprised me by sending a curated playlist via Apple Music.
If you don’t already know – music is also incredibly important in our relationship.
This playlist Mario created is full of love songs; oldies love songs and it literally made me tear up listening song after song.
Honestly – this playlist still gets to me!
My favorite part however – isn’t actually the music – but the picture attached to it, like its own album art.
It’s the picture of me in the Light Tunnel – with the sweetest caption underneath!
4 Years Later
I took our anniversary off – as I always do – so we can spend the day together.
This year, Mario planned a “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” vibe with a day full of activities.
First stop was to MFA to enjoy the new Van Gogh exhibit.
Next was to the afternoon Astros Game.
Followed by cocktails at a local bar around the corner.
Ending with dinner at Nancy’s Hustle – easily our favorite restaurant in Houston.
In my head I’m thinking, I need to be put together enough for the museum and dinner at Nancy’s.
Without looking too done up for the Astros game.
When in doubt – theme it out 😝
So I went for an all blue and white outfit to celebrate my home team – but with enough flair to be myself.
Thank God for my last minute decision to rub on some self tanner – and a recent visit to the nail salon.
I can’t imagine being engaged in these pictures without! 🙈
“Margo Elizabeth Cain
will you marry me?”
Before I get to what you’ve ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, how we got engaged.
I do want to say how much these pictures of the proposal mean to me.
Mario asked for my parent’s permission in advance and kept them in the loop to his plans along the way. When Mario told my parents it would be happening soon, my parents were obviously thrilled – but they had 1 request. For Mario to somehow take a picture or have someone nearby take a picture, so they could share in this day as well… even from so far away.
Mario, like me, doesn’t do anything in a small way. He hired a fabulous photographer to come and capture not just the proposal, but to host an impromptu engagement shoot immediately following.
I am so thankful to Jesse for capturing these moments.. and for Mario planning the absolute perfect proposal!
How He Proposed!
Walking out of the first exhibit, I asked a Museum Guard to take a picture of us. The first picture in this post.
And as we walked away from the Guard, Mario said he was going to run ahead to the bathroom.
Ok, nothing unusual there. So I just took my time walking and reviewing the pictures the Museum Guard had JUST taken.
As I approached the Light Tunnel, I peeked my head around the corner to see if Mario went that way. And when I turned, I saw Mario talking to the Museum Guard for the Light Tunnel. Then Mario sort of jet off through the hallway.
I just assumed Mario was asking where the nearest bathroom is, again nothing tipped me off. 😝
I walked through the Light Tunnel, part taking it in – part still reviewing our new pictures. When I reached the end, I looked up to see Mario sort of bumping into someone. I did notice the guy had a camera, but its a museum, who doesn’t!
Mario walked back to me and had the cutest idea to re-make the picture he had taken in this very room 4 years ago.
With my back to him, Mario takes a few pictures then simply says “Ok babes”… and I turn around.
There he was, the LOVE of my life.
My absolute best friend in this whole world.
The keeper of all my secrets.
Key holder to my heart.
My past, present & FUTURE, down on one knee.
To The Moon & Back
In reviewing the pictures taken, I love how my immediate reaction was to go TO MARIO.
Not to the ring box, not to look around at anyone nearby, not even to speak.
I just leaned in and held Mario’s face in my hands.
While looking into his eyes, Mario asked me to be his wife.
Diamonds Are Forever
I am honored Mario asked me to be his wife.
The ring Mario picked for me, has humbled me, and leaves me in awe every second I admire it.
My heart is so full to know our two loving and beautiful family’s will merge as one.
We are just so full of love and have been living in a truly euphoric state these past few days.
For sharing in this life changing moment with me, with us.
I am so grateful for the support system of you, our family and friends.
We are ecstatic about what our future holds and can’t wait to continue to build our life together.
Any wedding plans will be shared when we are ready.
For now, we are soaking up every second engaged as:
Congratulations. so happy for you. Thanks for sharing your magical moment.